Guideline before getting a hamster

Imagine the stress of having a pet into your life when you are totally prepare or when you suddenly found out that having a hamster is not as easy as it seem and you going on "chaos mode".  lovepets-hamsters will try our best to assist you.

In this chapter of the "before stage" we have:

Choosing a Healthy Hamster

Since hamsters on average only live up to 2-3 years, owners will want to be able to spend the maximum amount of time with them. A HEALTHY hamster makes a good memory for its owner.

  1. Owners must first decide on the species of the hamster, the gender, the number of hamster and the choice of shop or breeder they getting from.  Tip: Find out more of the quality the shop/breeder provided from reviews or customers feedback. Do also check up personally the living conditions of the pets in there before deciding. Tip: Read on this chapter; to understand more about each hamster species and differentiate their gender.
  2. Since hamsters are nocturnal animal; they are most active during the night, owners should visit their choice of place around evening (7-8pm).  Observe the tank the hamster specie you want, there usually will be 3 type of characteristic ( The Bully, The Bullied , The Bystanders) Tip: Do not get either the bully or bullied ones as they are very hard to tame. The bully will be more aggressive and tend to bite more often while the bullied had became too timid which any slight movement can cause them to run away or surrender making them hard to handle.  Tip: Spotting the characteristic; Bully: chasing others, laying on top of another hamster. Bullied: Running around, jumpy, being laid by other hamster, belly facing upwards with/or legs in defend position. Bystander: eating away, sleeping together or running on wheel.
  3. Ask the keeper to take out the hamster you desired, observe how the hamster react to the movement. The hamster should be alert and bright, the overall condition should be good with no visible swelling and fur lost. Tip: Hamster shot off with movement or try to bite the hand shows that it is timid or aggressive. Hamster that shows lameness or stiffness indicates injuries. Tip: Alert hamster is a sign of healthy hamster.
  4. Check that the hamster fur should be smooth and glossy with no sign of bald patches. Look for signs of cuts, dried blood, chipping of ears or nose or tail which are the common injuries symptoms. There should not be any discharge or wetness on the hamster's eyes, nose, ears, tail and the fur around them. Eyes must be bright and clear without whiteness in the pupil. Tip: Healthy hamster will be well-groomed. Tip: Wetness or discharge indicates illness.
  5. Listen to the breathing of the hamster, it should not hoarse, labored or rush. If possible ask to handle the hamster, feel the structure of its body, assess its temperament. Check the gender of the hamster. 
  6. Look at the hamster environment, the place should be clean and dry with access to food and water. The hamsters are kept in good temperature, neither exposed to direct sunlight or directly under cooler. Observe the other pets in the store, check if any seems ill. Tip: Pets living in good temperature are less stressed and have lesser exposure to diseases. Tip: Resist to buy if any pet seem ill as it might be contagious and led to a possible heartbreak.
  7. All is good and the hamster is to your liking, you are ready to go with a new family member added to your home. Remember to have all the cage and the necessaries items prepared. Tip: Return home as soon as possible, the hamster will be stressed with its new changes and the temperature outside is not suitable for the little one.
  8. You could also SAVE a hamster by choosing to adopt one instead of buying it. Remember to also look for signs of a HEALTHY hamster when adopting.

Disclaimer: The above steps and tips are derived by me as a hamster owner based on personally experience. Owners should also make their own observation and judgment while choosing.

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